StandardHeader: BasicHeaderOnly
This XML header imports the BasicHeader « as is », makes no extensions of it and does not
import the RegisteredOrganizationVocabulary as it uses none of its fields.
XML sample instance URL:
StandardHeader: WithRegOrg
This XML header structure reflects the survey made within the Eurofiling BestPractices efforts which had given the results documented in
All fields related to « Transport » issues have been removed as these are out of scope of this CWA.
XML sample instance URL:
StandardHeader: WithoutRegOrg
This XML header is (with regards to its function and its content) equivalent to the previous
“StandardHeaderWithRegOrg”, but it does not import RegOrg and creates the missing fields as equivalent simple XML fields
XML sample instance URL:
Extended XML Header
The CWA2 has developed different modules as part of the extensible CWA2 XML header. The extended header structure shall import the basic header structure and optionally may import other modules like the Registered Organization Vocabulary and/or other modules (to be developed in the future).
The ISA Programme of the European Commission, along with the Directorate General Internal Market and contributors from 22 countries, developed the Core Vocabularies, published in May 2012.
The work of the ISA Registered Organization Vocabulary has been continued, now as W3C Registered Organization Vocabulary (as profile of the Organization Ontology) for describing organizations that have gained legal entity status through a formal registration process, typically in a national or regional register. The conceptual model is independent of any technology that may be used to represent it.
The Vocabulary includes a minimal number of classes and properties that are designed to capture the typical details recorded by business registers and thereby facilitate information exchange between them, although there is significant variation between business registers in what they record and publish. It focuses solely on such organizations and excludes natural persons, virtual organizations and other types of legal entity or ‘agent’ that are able to act.
The objective of these changes is to achieve better alignment of the W3C Registered Organization Vocabulary with the broader W3C Organization Ontology, which describes core ontology for organizational structures. However, the fundamentals of the ISA Registered Organization Vocabulary remain unchanged, offering a powerful means to describe any organisation, its organisational units, its registered entities, its locations and its staff.
It is recommended using that modules when extending the CWA2 header