
XBRL stands for eXtensible Business Reporting Language. It is a standard for exchanging business information. It is based on XML (Extensible Markup Language). The main objective of the CEN Workshop ‘WS XBRL’ (Improving transparency in financial reporting) is to standardise the usage of XBRL within the European and National Supervisory Authorities community. See the complete set of documents

Project Core Team

  •  Coordination: Ignacio Boixo (Eurofiling, Bank of Spain)
    • Functional XBRL expert: Derek De Brandt (Eurofiling)
    • Volunteer proofreading: Allyson Ugarte (AECA)
  • Secretariat: Maarten Peelen (NEN NL)
  • CWA1 Standardize harmonization: Katrin Heinze (Eurofiling, Bundesbank)
    • Functional XBRL expert: Thierry Declerck (DFKI)
    • Technical XBRL expert: Roland Hommes (Rhocon)
    • Volunteer: Anna-Maria Weber (Bundesbank)
    • Volunteer: Ignacio Santos (Bank of Spain)
  • CWA2 Metadata and compliance: Emile Bartolé (CSSF Luxembourg)
    • Functional XBRL expert: Javi Mora (XBRL Spain)
    • Technical XBRL expert: Elina Koskentalo (XBRL Finland)
    • XBRL Developer: Eduardo González (Gonblan)
    • Volunteer: Iñaki Vazquez (Business Registers)
  •  CWA3 Roll-out package: Aitor Azcoaga (EIOPA)
    • Functional XBRL expert: Pieter Maillard (Aguilonius)
    • Technical XBRL expert: Pablo Navarro (Atos)

The project is drived by volunteers, without compensation/reimbursement. Everybody is welcomed as volunteer! Simply send an e-mail to
Volunteers appoint among them the Chair and Convenors, as stated in the  Minutes of the CEN/WS XBRL Kick-off meeting, May 30th, 2012. The volunteers also ratify the Secretariat, in this case the  Netherlands Standardization Institute.

Financial Support from the EC
The drafting of the documents requires specialized expertise which is not available to standardization managers as permanently employed by CEN and its member. This is the justification for the Commission financial support.
To employ such specialized experts by a CEN member would be expensive and not economically viable considering the very specific area of specialization that is required for the execution of this contract. To engage the services of the appropriate specialist experts from the market is more cost-effective. This sub-contracting also enables the quick availability of the drafts to enter the consensus building and validation processes, which are CEN’s core business. The Open call for project team experts was issued in April 2012.

CEN Workshops
are consensus working groups open to direct participation of any interested party. In practice, most participants are from industrial companies, but there are also participants from public administrations, academia and research, consumer groups, and so on.

Workshop participants can come from any country worldwide – most are European of course, but in some cases international participation can prove helpful. This Workshop is free of charge.

The Workshop documents are drafted by participating experts. The drafting of the formal output of the Workshop, in the form of a proposed publication is called a CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA), is carried out in the Workshop itself under the supervision of the chair and the support of the secretary.

Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs)
As with other CEN activities, participants undertake to assign the usage rights in their contributions to CEN Workshops to CEN. (Hands on CWAs, page 7). This does not prevent them from retaining the moral copyright to these contributions and, for example, including them in academic publications or conference presentations.

The CEN/WS XBRL kick-off meeting took place on 30 May 2012.
It  is scheduled  the final plenary session for 11 December 2013.
After endorsement by the European Commission, the CEN would publish the CWAs deliverables around February 2014.

CEN WS XBRL project documents

Minutes CEN WS XBRL internal meeting. October 2012
Presentations: CWA1CWA2CWA3 and CWA introductory presentation. September 2012
XBRL PT kick off meeting. August 2012
Business Plan of the CEN Workshop on XBRL. May 2012
Minutes of the CEN/WS XBRL Kick-off meeting. May 2012
Open call for project team experts. April 2012


Workshop XBRL – Improving transparency in financial reporting (CEN webpage)
Drafting CEN ISO deliverables: Common Rules and Elements v2.0. June 2012
CEN: The World of European Standards. September 2010
A starter guide to CEN workshop agreements for participants in CEN workshops.  2009

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